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Grief Poem - We're left behind – they've gone ahead

We’re on this side — we’re feeling sad,

’Cross Jordan’s stream, they’re very glad.


Parent, sibling, our spouse, or child,

They’re so happy while we are wild.

Yes, we miss them and tears do flow,

We really knew they had to go!


If we could hear that crowd of kin,

Shout: “Welcome HOME, come right on in!”


Our loved one’s gone — they’re out of pain,

We’ll see them soon, yes! Once again!


There’s no more death and no more tears,

So – kin on earth — open your ears!


It’s passed away — all former things,

God’s Word says so, New Life He brings,[1]


Down here we’ll cry and we’ll be sad,

But – God defeats — aren’t we so glad?!


New heaven comes and a new earth,

We’ll join loved ones with our new birth.


God promises, it’s true, my friend,

Trust HIM; He joins us in the end.

2016 © Prairie Winds

[1] Rev 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”


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