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This week we will continue looking at material from the book “Never Enough?” authored by Ron Blue with Karen Guess.
Luke 16:11-12 “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?”
God can use money in our lives as a testimony. When He gets ahold of our hearts it will be obvious to the world by our attitudes toward money. We will live lives free from fear, greed, envy and materialism. How we handle money demonstrates where we place our greatest treasure. People around us have the opportunity to learn that God can be trusted.
Our perspective changes everything. We would do well to remember Joshua and Caleb who in Numbers 13:30 said, “We must go up and take possession of the land because we can certainly conquer it!”
When we change our attitudes and beliefs about God’s ability to work with us in our financial situations we position ourselves to be blessed. Joshua and Caleb had faith in God. The other spies looked at the circumstances and themselves.
I wonder what would happen if more of us acted liked Cornelius who in the Book of Acts both prayed and gave gifts to the poor. God heard his prayers and remembered his gifts to the poor. Cornelius was given an assignment from the Lord. God does not love Cornelius more than He loves us. Perhaps we could learn how to pray and give to the poor as Cornelius did. Perhaps God could give us another assignment as we work to be the church and expand His kingdom.
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” One of the strategies that we can employ to help us avoid the love of money is to give money away. Giving somehow seems to break the hold that money can have on our hearts. God’s presence, not more resources, settles my anxiety, diminishes my insecurity, and helps to eliminate my dissatisfaction.
When I have an earthly mindset then I am prone to envy, disorder, and selfish ambition. When I function from a carnal or earthly mentality I can become stressed out, stirred up, or confused. If I choose to adopt God’s wisdom I can hopefully see a change in the fruit of my financial life.
Hebrews 11:6 states, “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” If you choose to embrace the Biblical teachings on finances your faith may well get stretched. Our faith can bridge the gap between what is reality now and what we hope for in the future.
Remember that it takes time to make fine wine. It probably took time for you to get into your current financial situation. It may take time for your situation to radically improve. Begin to implement Biblical financial principles today and do so from a position of faith.
Romans 14:23 states that whatever is not of faith is sin, and Romans 14:5 explains that when we take action we should be convinced in our own minds that what we are doing is good. God wants us to be people of faith who act boldly when He leads us. This week let’s ask God what He would have us to do in our walk with Him. May God bless you big.
This is the 12th column in a series by Kevin Barsotti, pastor at Ark Church in Havre, about financial matters and their treatment in the Christian faith.
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