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Native American trauma presentation set for Monday

Historical and intergenerational trauma of Native Americans will be the topic of a presentation at Montana State University-Northern Monday.

The presentation will take place at 3 p.m. in Hensler Auditorium in Northern’s Applied Technology Center as part of Northern’s Office of Diversity Awareness and Multicultural Programs Civil Discourse Spring Series.

Turquoise Devereaux and M.J. Desrosier will give the presentation, a flyer for the event says.

The presentation, the flyer says, will look at how trauma has manifested in Native American communities from the indigenous era to today.

An email from Christina Estrada-Underwood said Devereaux, a member of the Salish Koteani and Blackfeet tribes and Desrosier, of the Blackfeet and Gros Ventre tribes, have given presentations throughout Montana and lectured classes at the University of Montana about the trauma and have experience as community organizers.

Devereaux holds bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Montana. He is the recipient of a Diversity Leadership Award and an Indian Support Staff of the Year Award from the Montana Indian Education Association.

Desrosier, is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and a minor in environmental science and has advocated for the protection of several sites in Montana.

The event is free and open to the public.


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