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Letter to the Editor - Professor could be a spark for positive change at Northern instead of detracting


Reference to letter to editor of Jan. 5, 2018 by John Snider and comments made in Havre Daily News article of Feb. 16, 2018.

In his continued true form, John Snider, Montana State University-Northern English instructor, continues to be critical and negative to any new ideas for Northern and has never written an editorial about the good things happening on the Northern campus.

Nor has he presented any ideas or sparks, or a willingness to take a leadership role on campus and in the community to showcase being a real “Northern Team participant.” Instead, we just hear negative and non-supportive rhetoric. Negative energy takes a whole lot less time than being positive. It is easy to be critical from the side line, but ideas and solutions should follow.

There is no question, Northern continues to fight for each and every student that attends Northern. I guess the question is, what has Snider done to bring a student to Northern? Referencing the article of Feb. 16, 2018, what about developing a plan to accomplish improvements to the dorms, as a member of the Northern Team?

The proposed sport center, to enhance the curriculum and the campus, is reportedly supported by the students and faculty of Northern. Coaches at Northern work hard to recruit student/athletes to participate in Northern sport programs. Those students recruited attend classes — including English — and are also involved in the Havre community. It would be so awesome if Snider took a leadership role in developing a plan for faculty to recruit students to Northern.

As a proud Northern alumni and a past member of the Northern Foundation Board, I know Northern is always fighting for its place in the university system. But this negativity from within this campus needs to stop.

I challenge Snider to be a spark for positive changes on the Northern campus and then be an active participant in the change.

Debbie Vandeberg



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