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The Scriptures on Finances - Investing your wealth in people

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. [Luke 16:9]

How are you spending, investing, saving, giving, or using the money that God has put you in charge of stewarding? I can become scared when I remember that to whom much is given, much will be required. We are all going to give an account of our stewardship one day.

One of the ways to invest for eternity is to use money, possessions, and influence to gain friends for ourselves. I am not talking about bribing someone to hang out with you or giving someone money to let you stay with them. I am talking about the Bible principle that we are aliens and this earth is not our permanent home at this time.

One of the ways we can use our wealth to gain friends is to invest in ministries or people who spread the gospel. All who win souls are wise. Pioneer Bible translators is a ministry that works to put the gospel in the language of the people they are ministering to in far-away countries. When we regularly sow into people on the mission field we are encouraging them to keep sharing the gospel with the lost. When someone believes in Jesus through their ministry then we have gained a friend whether we meet them in this life or not.

Last week, I mentioned how the Salvation Army reaches out to those who need a hand up. Our local director has a burden to help people who are exiting jail become upstanding citizens in our community through a program that is faith-based. The Bible commends work and there are some in our community who have purchased businesses in order to put some of these group participants to work. What a wonderful display of grace in action. When we donate clothes to the Salvation Army we just may be fulfilling part of the gospel by helping to clothe those who need something to wear.

Our local food bank has dedicated workers who help organize the food drives and administrate the giving of food to hungry people each month. When we help feed someone who is hungry, we are behaving as Jesus did.

Some people get sick and need transportation. Mission Aviation Fellowship provides transportation for sick people in remote parts of the world. The pilots take pastors, teachers, medical staff, and village members to locations where access is difficult. When we give to these types of ministries we are sharing in their ministry and winning friends for eternity.

Our Hi-Line Pregnancy Resource Center encourages people to keep their babies or place them up for adoption if they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. How wonderful to help save a life and help a new baby have nutrition and clothing by donating to this local service. The compassionate care provided to a young mother can be a great comfort.

Our Christian radio station prays for people, teaches people, and comforts people on a daily basis. They spread the gospel and have a heart for the lost. Some people who have not darkened the door of too many churches just might be reached through the airwaves. When we give to YNOP or our local KXEI we are helping to make disciples of all nations.

There are many good places to give money and invest in people here in our community. You may change the recipients of your donations over the course of your life. I have listed a few organizations that are somewhat representative of the types of ministries available to proclaim the gospel and help us gain friends for ourselves. Please prayerfully consider who and what God wants you to invest in.

May God bless you big.


This is the sixth column in a series by Kevin Barsotti, pastor at Ark Church in Havre, about financial matters and their treatment in the Christian faith.


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