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The Scriptures on Finances - Giving guards hearts against greed

2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

One of the insulators to help guard our hearts against greed is giving. Giving can be easy, but giving is also challenging. How do we find the balance between having our needs met and abounding in every good work? I would suggest that we can do both under the leading of the Holy Spirit.

As men and women of God we are to avoid all extremes. There are some people who have given everything away. There are others who have never yet even considered giving to others. One of my favorite lines that I heard from a friend was, “They are very generous — with themselves.” People are watching how we give and how much we give. The Bible encourages us to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing when giving to the needy. We can encourage one another and our families by teaching them how to be kind to the poor and to be generous on every occasion.

When you are learning how to give you will probably make some mistakes. Others who want something may be drawn to you to get something for themselves. When you no longer give to them you may not see or hear from them again. We should error on the side of grace. We are stewards and we ought not let the devil steal our resources but we also need to remember that some have entertained angels unaware.

I know that I have given to some people whom in retrospect I should not have given anything. There are other times when I have missed the opportunity to give when I was being led in that direction. Do not get frustrated when your giving is not acknowledged. Many times you may give and never be thanked by the recipient. Last week we were encouraged to work as if we were working for the Lord. I encourage you to give as if you are giving to the Lord.

The gospel of Matthew explains that when we give a hungry person something to eat, a thirsty person something to drink, a stranger an invite, needed clothes to someone, care for the sick, or visit someone in prison we are really doing these things as unto the Lord.

Certainly there are many who abuse the system in our society. Decades ago before the pastors communicated with each other there were some people who went to every church in town requesting assistance. Now many of the legitimate needs are met through the Salvation Army and the agencies and people who assist them. It is not a good feeling to find out that you have been scammed but it feels great when you are able to assist someone with a hand up.

There are people in our community who feed others and are rarely thanked. God is the one who will tell them to take their inheritance, the kingdom prepared for them since the creation of the world. God will also tell those who did not do for the least of these that they will go away to eternal punishment. The righteous obtain eternal life.

One of the things I like best about being a Christian is that we have free choice. We get to choose if we are going to serve God and one another or ourselves. God does not make us give and serve but He definitely teaches us how to do so in the Bible. We are going to have to become good money managers if we are going to hear Him say, “Well done.”

Next week we will look at using our wealth to gain friends. May God bless you big.


This is the fifth column in a series by Kevin Barsotti, pastor at Ark Church in Havre, about financial matters and their treatment in the Christian faith.


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