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Celebrating History: Christmas services abound

The old adage “Feast or famine” applies to the Dec. 22, 1917, and Dec. 29, 1917 editions of The Havre Plaindealer. There was a lot of interesting local news in this week’s edition, and darn near next to nothing in next week’s issue. In the spirit of Christmas, let’s find out what is going on in Havre with respect to this very special holiday for this week, and we’ll get to other news, some being mayhem and questionable doings, next week.

What was going on in the churches for Christmas services were found throughout the pages of the Plaindealer in its Dec. 22, 1917 edition. On the front page, we find:

Christmas at Havre Churches

All the churches of Havre are planning to observe Christmas with appropriate exercises. The first of these will be at the Methodist church on Sunday, December 23, at 4 o’clock p.m., when “The Christmas Story” in Song and Melody will be rendered by the choir of the church, under direction of Dr. A. E. Williams as organist, assisted by a number of outside voices. The program will be given in two parts and will consist of vocal and instrumental solos, quartet numbers and choral selections. Some of the best musical talent in the city will take part, and a more elaborate musical program has never been arranged.

Christmas exercises for the children will take place in the main body of the church on Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. There will be appropriate exercises, and a special scene depicting the Town of Bethlehem. After the exercises the presents will be distributed from a large fire place in the basement of the church. Large stockings will hold the gifts, and from these old Saint Nicholas himself will distribute the presents to the children.

At the Norwegian Church

The following program will be given at the Norwegian Lutheran church, corner of 10th avenue and 4th street, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 26th.

Song, by audience.

Scripture reading.

Reading of the Creed by school in chorus.

Song, “Silent Night”, by school.

Velkomst Hilsen, Bertha Vogel.

Song, “Joy to the World” by church choir.

“Why are We Happy?” by Clifford Moe.

“Prophecy and Fulfillment”, by twelve pupils.

Song, “Her Komme Dine Arme Smaa,” by Margit and Jennie Peterson.

“Message of Peace”, by Clairemont Susang.

“The Dearest Gift of All”, by ell and Hector Eskestrand.

“What Little Ones can Do,” by kindergarden class.

“Jule Evangelict,” by Myrtle Rudie.

Song, “Twinkle Little Star” by primary class.

“Gifts for the King,” by intermediate class.

Song, “Jeg Synger Jule Kvad,” by Norwegian class.

Recitation, “What They Said,” by Harold Orstad.

Song, “Til Jule Tract,” by church choir.

Recitation, “Jeg er Saa Glad” by Mildred Elvron.

Recitation, “The Holy Child,” by Ellen Johnson.

Song, “The Chimes of Christmas Times,” by Floyd Hanson.

Recitation by Sigurd Belland.

Recitation, “The Bells of Heaven Ring,” by Gennievieve Orstad.

Duet, “The Guiding Star,” by Miss Monson and Mrs. Nordby.

Recitation, “The Shepherds Son,” by Kenneth Bliven.

Song, “The Christmas Carol” by school.

Offering to defray expenses of festival for Sunday school.

Distribution of presents for school and others in audience.

Closing song by audience.

The Doxoligie.

A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the church to attend this Christmas festival. No admission charged. Free-will offering only.

At the Catholic Church

First High Mass will be said at ST. Jude Thaddeus Catholic church on Christmas morning at 5:30 o’clock. Additional masses will be said at 8 and 9 o’clock a.m., and at 10:30 a.m. the final high mass will be said.

On the evening of December 28th, known as the “Feast of the Innocents” the children of the church will be given a Christmas treat. Following an appropriate program rendered by the children of the parochial school, presents will be distributed from a large tree.

Christmas tree and entertainment for the Presbyterian church takes place Monday afternoon, and for the Episcopal children on the evening of December 28th.


Sunday school meets at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, Monday evening being Christmas Eve, at 8 o’clock the Sunday school will have its Christmas tree, and render a program, the choir assisting. Tuesday, Christmas day, services will be held at 7 o’clock in the morning. All services are held at the east side school house. All are welcome. W. J. Hilgendorf.


Christmas services Sunday 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the city hall.

Sunday school 10 a.m.

Rev. J. R. Larson of Great Falls will preach at both services. The public is most cordially invited.

And these were just on the front page! On the editorial page was this announcement:

At St. Marks Church

The festival of Christmas at St. Marks Episcopal church will be observed with the usual services. At the mid-night service on Monday night, which lasts from 12 to 1 o’clock the Vested choir will sing “Adeste Fideles” Holy Night” and “Little Town of Bethlehem”. The Christmas day service will begin at 11 o’clock with an order of carols and anthems consisting of the “Te Deum Laudamie” the “Jubilate Deo” and “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”

On the feat of “Holy Innocents” day Dec. 28th the church school will hold its annual Christmas tree and celebration in the chapel.

Church-related news was also announced in the Society column.

Pastor Remembered.

Members of the Methodist church and friends of Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Huston gathered in large numbers at the parsonage on Wednesday evening and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Huston with an old-fashioned pound party. Each of the guests making up the party brought some useful gift, with the result that the Huston home as richer in world’s goods to a very large extent. The affair proved also a most enjoyable one socially, and it was a late hour before the last guest departed with words of encouragement for their host and hostess.

Class Entertained.

Miss Clara MacKenzie was hostess to the members of her Sunday school class on Tuesday evening of this week, at the MacKenzie home on Third avenue. Assisting the hostess during the afternoon was Miss Janette MacKenzie. Appropriate games formed the diversion for the afternoon, and at a late hour, light refreshments were served.

And under the Society column’s “Personal Mention” section was printed:

The Methodist Ladies Aid met in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Cartridge as hostess. This is the last meeting of the society for the holiday period.

Merry Christmas to all of you dear readers!


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