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Rocky Boy lists November Students of the Month

Junior High

Isiah Limberhand has been selected as the November Junior High male student of the month. Isiah is a very well-mannered student. He is respectful and courteous to everyone. Isiah has great work ethic and tries his best at everything he does. He comes to class prepared and is always concerned about his homework and grades.

Imani Small has been selected as the November Junion High female student of the month. She has been working hard lately to stay caught up and get good grades. Imani is very respectful to everyone she is around. She comes to class prepared and ready to work hard.

High School

Devin Johnson is a student who works hard in class and is very diligent in everything he does. He questions the unknown, very bright and wants very much to learn about his culture, which he is very proud of. He strives for excellence in his schoolwork and is very polite to his peers and teachers. He loves coming to school every day and knows full well that academics play an important role in his future as well as being an athlete. His parents are Kim and Ryan Johnson of Rocky Boy and they are supportive of their son’s academic and athletic endeavors.

Janae Johnson is the daughter of Enos Johnson Jr. and is a junior at Rocky Boy High School. She is a second year computer applications student who is working on project-based activities, where creativity and independence play a role in completing the projects. She has produced projects of high quality and has become very competent in the Office Suite programs. She is an enjoyable person to work with in class and has a desire to learn. Janae is also a second year JMG — Jobs for Montana Graduates — student where she participates and competes in work related competitions. She is appreciated for being a student in the business education department.


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