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Our home
You know, Lord, friends were commenting about their home. Some thought that they had the best home life ever, while some thought “hummm — whatever.” After some consideration, they thought they’d try to make where they were now a better place. We’ve got to give them credit for that! We all know that the basic unit of any society is the home.
We are saddened when we know about a home breaking up; we know that society is on the way to disintegration. We also know of homes that are almost on the rocks. It’s scary. Many couples are fearful that their home, too, will someday be broken. But the good news is that there is one great insurance policy that we all can take out in order to guarantee the unity and happiness of our homes. It is simple: Make Christ the center of your home.
It’s great to think back to the “good old days” when we’d go visit aunties and uncles. On their walls would be pictures reminding us that Christ was the center of their home. But times have changed; one doesn’t see that much any more. Maybe we should consider that our home is like a solar system. The center, the great sun, holds the solar system together. If it weren’t for the sun, the solar system would fly to pieces. So like our homes. Unless the Son of God is put at the center of our home, it, too, will probably fly to pieces.
It’s so easy to push You to one side, Lord. May we remember Your blessings and consider verse 15 in Joshua 24: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Oh, Lord, may we always keep You at the center of all that we do in our homes.
Love Mara
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