News you can use
By Emily Mayer
Aside from articles pertaining to the effects the war was having on various businesses and activities, there were a few articles of local interest. Two local railroad unions selected their officers, and since there are still family members in this community as well as people living outside of the Havre area that read this column and are family of the men named, I thought you would like to read their names and what they were elected by their peers to serve:
The local Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen held their annual election yesterday with the following result:
F. O. Hatler, president.
C. B. Davis, vice president.
William Lacy, secretary-treasurer.
F. Bridwell, chaplain.
E. Englebritson, conductor.
W. J. Noble, warden.
Dr. A. L. Ward, M. D.
C. A. Holihan, inside guard.
The Order of Railway Conductors has elected the following officers for the year 1918:
R. W. Holliday, chief conductor.
G. W. Rist, assistant chief conductor.
J. A. Mayer, secretary-treasurer.
T. E. McDonough, Sr., conductor.
R. F. Erler, Jr., conductor.
H. B. Atkinson, inside sentinel.
Thomas Warwick, outside sentinel.
D. McKenty, H. U. Coster, P. S. Clement, trustees.
Local adjustment committee, Montana division-H.R. Spooner, H. B. Atkinson, E. C. Morrison
Local adjustment committee, Havre division-R. M. Rathbone, H. J. Hazelwood, Thomas Warwick.
Legislative committee-L. W. Mack, G. W. Rist.
Membership committee-M. B. Thomas, A. B. Campbell, Leroy Stover.
The children of Havre were helping with contributions to the troops. This article was on the front page of The Havre Plaindealer’s November 24, 1917 issue:
Nine little boys and girls made candy and sold it at Buttreys. They realized $4.15 and donated this sum to the Red Cross. Following is a list of the names: Kathryn Mathews, Josephine Broadwater, Georgia Broderick, Corene Loranger, James Mathews, Eleanor Mathews, Josephine Liggett, Minerva Liggett and Ernestine Liggett.
The Christmas donation was further augmented by these contributions: Master Moore, $1.50; Mrs. J. C. Koerner, $1; Mrs. Lou Lucke, $1.50; Miss Thackeray, $1.50.
The Fresno auxiliary sent in $50 to the Red Cross, the proceeds of a dance and sale of cake, brought in by H. W. Irwin. The Mountain View school also sent in by Rev. J. T. Moody, $20.”
The Mathews’ children’s eldest brother, Leslie, was one of the young men being sent to American Lake, Washington, to be trained and sent off to France to fight in the war.
There were a few entries describing gatherings in the Society column this week:
Birthday Party.
Little Miss Doris Stockbridge celebrated the sixth anniversary of her birth on Tuesday afternoon at the home of her parents on Twelfth avenue, entertaining about 12 of her little girl friends during the afternoon. In addition to amusing themselves with popular games of various kinds the guests engaged in a doll dressing contest, which proved most interesting. Favors for the afternoon were miniature baskets filled with candy, and a dainty lunch was served at the close of the party. The little hostess was the recipient of many pretty and practical gifts.
Guests Entertained.
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Gerald Casman entertained at bridge in honor of her guests, Mr. C. F. Bassow, of Fort Benton, and Mrs. Louis Newman of Great Falls. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. The invited guests were: Mesdames H. W. Stringfellow, William Kendig, N. C. Abbott, Frank Jestrab, H. O. Wheeler, E. A. Wilkie, Sidney Hirschberg, E. T. Broadwater and Miss Virginia Stringfellow.
Luncheon Bridge.
The first of the week Mrs. Frank Jestrab entertained at luncheon bridge, in honor of Mrs. C. F. Bassow, of Fort Benton, who has been a visitor in Havre for the past week. A delicious three-course luncheon was served and the guests played bridge until time for the guest of the honor to depart for her home, all of the assembled guests accompanying her to the train.
Dance at Cottonwood.
On Saturday a social dance was held at Cottonwood for the benefit of the Havre Y. M. C. A. A number of autos went from the city to attend, and all report a royal good time. Quite a sum was received for the local organization.
Louis “Shorty” Newman was one of Havre’s more memorable mayors, taking office at a time of a big “clean up Havre” sweep in an effort to remove obvious vice taking place in the downtown area. Which, of course, didn’t last long.
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