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Celebrating History: War news and malcontents

By Emily Mayer

There wasn't much local news in The Havre Plaindealer's Nov. 17, 1917 edition, but the war and its effects were quite prominent. The Havre Commercial Company took out a large ad containing a resolution from The American Clothing Manufacturers' Association and the Associated Boys' Clothing Manufacturers of Greater New York to eliminate certain parts of clothing for the upcoming spring season in an effort for those goods to be used to "adequately and warmly clothe" soldiers and sailors who were fighting in the war. Those articles included all belts, cuffs, pleats and "other like style features."

Malcontents seemed to be up to no good again in Havre. We find these two articles on the Plaindealer's front page:


One of those individuals carrying many aliases was picked up by local officers Monday evening after making remarks reflecting upon the president and the country for having entered the war against Germany. The accused, who carried the card of the I. W. W., was sentenced to 30 days in the city bastille. In the meantime, his case may be considered by United States Attorney B. K. Wheeler, who has advised Judge Pyper that we will have a deputy in this city next week to investigate this and similar cases that have arisen here of late.


John E. Henry, said to be a switchman, is a sadder, but wiser man. On Thursday evening Henry sent in an alarm of fire from a point in the western part of the city. The department responded only to find there was no real reason. It was ascertained that Henry sent in the alarm and he was called before Judge W. B. Pyper, who sentenced him to a fine of $25 and 30 days in jail. It is perhaps a safe assumption that Henry will try no more of these jokes in the future.

Some neat news came out of Gildford this week.


Installation ceremonies of a lodge of Masons at Gildford were held on Thursday evening of this week. The new lodge has worked under the dispensation for some two years, and gives promise of becoming one of the strongest in the northern part of the state. Forty autos, carrying about 75 Havre Masons with their wives, went from Havre. In attendance upon the banquet and dance following the installation were more than 500 people from this and other points, and the event was declared to be one of the best ever held in northern Montana.

Here is some news from the "Of Local Interest" social pages:

The annual Thanksgiving dance for the Order of Railroad Trainmen, scheduled for the evening of November 29, promises to be one of the best affairs of the kind ever put on by this organization, which has the record for carrying out the most unique and enjoyable social affairs.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Loranger received a telegram yesterday morning from their son, stating that his division of marine corps was to leave that day for Philadelphia, from which point they would ship for the Canal zone.

Christmas boxes for American soldiers in France will be sent from Hoboken, N. J., to France, without charge by the Wells-Fargo express. All packages must be plainly addressed and sent in care of Commanding General, Hoboken.

But two days was required to raise Hill county's quota of $1500 for the $35,000,000 fund asked for by the Army Y. M. C. A. The larger portion of the amount was raised in Havre on the first day, and the deputies under H. E. Clack, chairman of this county, easily cleaned up the remainder on Tuesday.


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