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Hello, God, It's me, Mara

Tripping hazards

You know, Lord, wind can really kick up storms, or sometimes, maybe, wind just has “fun” tossing lovely autumn leaves around,

hither and thicker. When storms happen, depending on where one lives, wind strips the last leaves off the nearby trees, then we see farther. That’s when we notice there are “things” out there that we could trip over. We could call them tripping hazards that have been hidden when the nearby trees were lush with growth. Who notices hazards then? Not most of us, but once trees are denuded; our line of vision probably extends hundreds of additional feet.

Since we’ve had an interesting autumn with a lot of wind, it’s been most helpful when numerous lawn-care folks come by with chains saws, clippers, shredders, mowers, to help tidy up our area. Half-downed trees, stumps, broken branches — litter has been everywhere and can be a major hazard, but once the leaves are cleared, it’s easier to tend to all the rest.

Do we have tripping hazards in our life that are hidden when all is calm? Then the wind comes up and blows cold and hard and we enter a dry and bitter lifeless season. That’s when we need You, Lord. We can imagine You carrying a big chain saw and that you know how to use a chipper/shredder. We know You love it when we invite You in to clear away the debris: resentments, past hurts and whatever else that poses a hazard for us.  Rather than shy way from that cleanup task when the wind is howling around us in our lives and we can’t see “life,” we need to allow You to come in and take care of that cleanup task.  Thank You, Lord for Matthew 19:26: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Love Mara


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