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Celebrating History: Neighbor helping neighbor

By Emily Mayer

One of the most enduring qualities about Hill County is neighbor helping neighbor. This story ran on the front page of The Havre Plaindealer’s October 27, 1917, issue:


One of those examples that now and then crop out to disprove the theory of some that the milk of human kindness has curdled in the veins, was enacted in the Grain Belt district last week when neighbors of Guy Chase plowed and seeded 80 acres of winter wheat on the Chase farm. Mr. Chase has been in poor health for some time past, and recently was advised by his physicians that he could do no work at least for the remainder of the year. Hearing of this, his neighbor farmers of Grain Belt gathered and with eight four horse teams, placed the sick man’s land in such condition that he is assured of something in crops next year. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chase were highly grateful for the service rendered by their neighbors.

Unfortunately, there are those that like to take advantage of the milk of human kindness for selfish personal gain, using illness as an excuse:


Housewives of Havre were visited on Thursday by a beggar, who submitted an appeal stating that he was a victim of tuberculosis, ha a widowed mother to support, and was trying to raise sufficient money to support his mother and at the same time enable himself to take a course at some sanitarium. At one place the mendicant was invited to undergo an examination by a local physician, with assurances that all fees would be paid, and that if found afflicted as he represented himself to be, funds would be raised for him. The party would not appear for the examination.

“It seems to be the scheme of the beggar to appear at private homes, and at an hour when he believes the man of the house will be absent. In this way he plays upon the sympathy of the housewife, who generally helps him to the extent of 25 to 50 cents. In the course of a day, this will net the mendicant a handsome sum. Havre housewives are warned to report to the city officials should this party call upon them.

Only a person devoid of any sense of ethics and morality would use a fake illness — not in this case, but such as cancer for example — either to not go out and find honorable work or to not do the job they were appointed to do as a ploy for sympathy and as an excuse for their laziness. I would wonder how low such a person could go, but some people even these days take it as a challenge and do a good job breaking their own records.

The ladies of Havre were continuing to outdo themselves not in laziness, but busy-ness. Here are but three entries in the Society column showcasing just how hard these ladies worked to make Havre a better place to live, work and raise a family for the benefit and betterment of others:

“Red Cross Tea.

A number of Havre ladies took advantage of the opportunity to show their interest in the work of the local order of the Red Cross by attending the Silver Tea given last Saturday afternoon by Mrs. John Koerner, at her home on Second avenue.

The national colors were used throughout the rooms, intermingled with cut flowers and greenery, forming a very attractive decorative scheme.

A four-piece orchestra furnished music during the receiving hours, and Mrs. Leon Choquette and Mrs. F. F. Brown rendered vocal selections.

Misses Doty and Vera MacKenzie assisted the hostess in receiving the guests, and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and Mrs. J. G. Holland presided in the dining room, assisted by Miss Virginia Stringfellow and Miss Dorothy Holland.

New Social Club.

A new social club the plans many and varied evenings of entertainment during the winter months was organized this week among employees of the Havre Commercial company. Officers who will serve during the year are Miss Hilda Haglund, president; L. J. McDonald, vice president; F. H. Padbury, treasurer, and Miss Ella Olson, secretary. The first regular meeting of the new club will be held next Monday evening, when programs will be outlined for the winter’s work. There will be an informal program rendered at Monday’s meeting, and the evening will be closed with the serving of refreshments.

In the force at the Commercial there is splendid talent for all kinds of social affairs, and it is the intention of the club to favor their friends with invitations from time to time.

Study Club Meets.

The study department of the Woman’s club held its regular meeting in the club rooms at the library on Tuesday afternoon last, a goodly number of members being in attendance. Mrs. G. J. Bonine was leader of the meeting and assigned subjects upon Venice were ably handled by Mesdames George Hulfish, W. C. Lange and J. M. Wallace.

These were in addition to three other gatherings by the Van Orsdel Ladies’ Aid, the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid and the parishioners of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.

Toni Hagener said it best: “Havre is a small town, but it’s a busy town.”


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