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Letter to the Editor - Montana needs special session to solve revenue problems


As a caregiver and a former para-educator, I’ve seen firsthand how important our state services are to Montana’s most vulnerable people.

I’ve known families that had to live in their cars because they couldn’t afford anything else, and their kids depended on low-income school lunches for their survival. It’s also critical to their education. If you’re worried about where your next meal is coming from you’re not going to be focused on algebra or history.

Family support services have already been cut in Great Falls and surrounding communities, putting more pressure on Medicaid to help people make ends meet.

Additional cuts to services for children, the elderly, and people with disabilities would mean that families may have to move out of state just to get the help they need to survive. Some wouldn’t be able to afford that option and would end up homeless on the streets of Great Falls.

We’re a great state with a proud tradition of looking out for each other: I urge the Legislature to go back to Helena for a special session to solve our state’s revenue problems.

Gerry Knight

Black Eagle


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