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FWP solicits applications for Trapping Advisory Committee

From Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking about 12 people to serve on a Trapping Advisory Committee to provide input on the agency’s trapping and furbearer management.

“It is important that we get people who represent all of the diverse viewpoints on trapping in Montana, but at the same time, people who can work well with others,” said John Vore, FWP’s game management bureau chief. “We are looking for problem solvers, not people with an agenda.” 

The committee will lend a citizen’s perspective to FWP in reviewing the science and management of trapping, predicting and anticipating public sentiment, and public communication efforts concerning trapping and furbearer management. 

The committee will not consider whether or not there will be trapping in Montana.  Trapping is a legal activity protected by Montana’s constitution. It is recognized and endorsed by FWP as an appropriate activity and wildlife management tool, and will continue.  However, the committee will be asked to review such controversial issues as trap check time and other regulations.

This advisory committee needs to be diverse and ideally will include people from across the state and contain a broad cross-section of views, experiences and interests, including wildlife, livestock, scientific, recreation, economic and local governments. 

FWP staff will participate in but not formally sit on the committee.  Meetings will be facilitated and be advertised and open to the public with opportunity for public comment.  

To apply to be on the Trapping Advisory Committee, follow this link,

Application deadline is Oct. 20, and the FWP director will select panelists by Nov. 1.  The first meeting will be Dec. 12-13 at FWP’s Helena Montana WILD. Subsequent meeting dates and places will be arranged at the close of each meeting, but meetings will be held in various cities across the state.  The committee will have its recommendations for FWP by April 30.  Interested individuals should be willing to travel for up to five one to two-day meetings in 2017-2018.

For more information contact Vore at 406-444-3940.


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