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Our View: Thank-you is not enough on fire response

The Havre Daily News extends thanks and praise to the response to the East Fork Fire in the Bear Paw Mountains.

Residents in the original area of the fire jumped to action from the start, and since the fire burned out of its original area and mushroomed from Wednesday on, the response by officials and the community has been incredible.

While the battle is far from over, the coordination of efforts on multiple fronts of the fire, of multiple agencies and volunteers, the outpouring of support from the community shows why living in north-central Montana is worthwhile.

People leaving their jobs to work countless hours helping firefighters and officials, the round-the-clock effort to take in the information and coordinate responses and get information out the public has been phenomenal.

People who are not directly working on the fire lines can — and are — still helping out.

Multiple locations have been set up to donate items and material that is then hauled out to the firefighters. People are asked not to drive out themselves to deliver items, but the support at collection points still is coming in.

An account in which people can donate cash to help with the effort and recovery is set up at Independence Bank, and people can donate their or at businesses collecting for the effort.

While the fight is still on, mop up will take weeks and recovery from the fire will likely take years, the community spirit of the area is shining through and the Havre Daily is confident that the work to recover will continue until the region is restored.

Kudos to all who are working and helping to fight the fire. Keep up the good work.


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