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Havre Police Department
Officers made two arrests after a Third Street street caller reported Thursday at 7:30 a.m. that she was having problems with her neighbors. No further details on the arrests were provided.
Officers investigated after a Third Avenue business caller reported Thursday at 8:02 a.m. that a male was sleeping in a Chevrolet pickup truck in the alley.
Officers investigated a two-vehicle motor vehicle crash on First Street West after a caller reported it at 12:17 p.m.
Officers made an arrest after a First Avenue West caller reported Thursday at 4:37 p.m. that a man wearing black shorts and a green shirt has been coming and sitting in her yard and staring at her. No further information was provided about the arrest.
A 16-year-old was issued a summons on charges of driving without a driver’s license, unauthorized use of motor vehicle and juvenile curfew violation after a First Avenue caller made a suspicious activity report today at 1:51 a.m.
Officers investigated after a 10th Street West caller reported this morning at 3:56 that his grandson took off.
Hill County Sheriff’s Office
The Sheriff’s office reported no investigations or arrests Thursday.
Havre Fire Department
Emergency medical personnel responded to five calls Thursday.
Fire crews responded to a call Thursday at 3:37 p.m. at the 1600 Block of Washington Avenue where a vehicle caught on fire in the engine bay and incurred about $500 in damage. The source of the spark is unknown.
Havre Animal Shelter
The animal shelter held this morning one female and one male German shepherd.
The animal shelter held this morning one long-haired, two short-haired, four medium-haired and one Siamese cat.
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