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Senators should work on bill to protect Montanans

Dear editor,

As a health care provider in Havre, Bullhook Community Health Center’s staff and board have been paying close attention to the debate in Washington, D.C., about what needs to change with health care in America. Having read through the Better Care Reconciliation Act that is the Senate version of repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, it is our belief that the bill will do more harm than good to the 4,945 we serve at our health center.

In particular, we are very concerned about the significant changes proposed to Medicaid — 44 percent of our patients are on Medicaid — the reduction in tax credits that 52,000 Montanans currently use to purchase health insurance if they are low-income, and the possibility that states could apply for waivers that will make health insurance unaffordable (or unusable) to people with pre-existing conditions.

There are many issues we need to address including accessibility, affordability, and making sure we are investing in prevention, but neither the Senate nor the House bill does that in a way that makes sense for Montana.

We urge Sen. Steve Daines and Sen. Jon Tester to work on a Senate bill that will protect our patients and improve the health care of all Montanans. We are counting on their leadership and their commitment to the people of Montana to pass a meaningful health care bill that doesn’t play politics with people’s lives.

Cindy Smith

CEO Bullhook Community Health Center


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