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Dear Editor,
The Senate is drafting a bill in total secrecy to replace the Affordable Care Act. The ACA provides coverage for pre-existing conditions, essential benefits, no lifetime caps on benefits, free health screenings, colonoscopies, cholesterol checks and many other benefits.
Nearly two years ago our thirty-year-old son had a very serious medical emergency. He recovered completely but the medical bills were huge. Fortunately, he had good insurance through the ACA. Prior to the ACA he had no insurance. Without good insurance he may have faced bankruptcy.
Twenty-three million people will lose their insurance as a result of this bill. When Medicaid is cut in this bill, funding for our rural hospitals will be cut dramatically. The non-partisan Center on Budget Policy and Priority states that more than 1.6 million rural residents are enrolled in ACA. Drastic cuts to our rural hospitals will be disastrous for rural America.
There is no reason to dismantle the ACA other than keeping a campaign promise and providing a huge tax cut for those making over 250,000 per year.
Tell your Senators to fix what we have, let’s not go back to a time when a health emergency could mean bankruptcy.
Tom Bangs
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