Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Rick Harmon of the Fresno Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited shows children Friday how to use fishing equipment during the Fresno Chapter's educational fishing day at Fresno Reservoir. The Fresno Chapter members and Fish, Wildlife and Parks personnel taught fifth- and sixth-grade children from area schools about boat safety and fishing equipment including electronics, fish identification, then the students were given the opportunity to ride in a boat on the reservoir. Chapter President Nate Molstad said that for some of these children, this will be a first for them to be in a boat.
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Local students ride on a boat on Fresno Reservoir Friday during the Fresno Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited kids education day.
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
Havre Daily News/Floyd Brandt count
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