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Rocky Boy schools list their Students of the Month

The Rocky Boy Junior High School staff nominated Kodee Henderson for Student of the Month. Kodee works hard in class. She is very respectful and considerate of others. She participated in basketball and volleyball.

The junior high staff also nominated Jerod Houle for student of the month. Jerod is a very polite young man. He is quick to help out when needed. He is self motivated.

At Rocky Boy High School, one of the students of the month is Zeke Alcorn. He is enrolled in entrepreneurship and computer applications in the business department. He works hard at completing his assignments and is very respectful. He has good attendance and actively participates in all classroom activities. He is a recent transfer to Rocky Boy and has fit in well with our Star family. The staff gave congratulations to Zeke on his academic accomplishments.

The other Rocky Boy High School student of the month is Shania Monique Patacsil, who is the valedictorian of the Class of 2017. Faculty and staff said her hard work and dedication over a lifetime of education is evident in her daily success. Shania is president of her class and the state award-winning American Indian Business Leaders, a club that teaches business skills for the professional world. Co-founding the school’s Weekend Backpack Program and chairing Operation: Help Santa this year, Shania has a passion for making Rocky Boy schools a great place to be. It is wonderful to see her work through the challenges that come her way because she understands that the right path is always uphill, her nominators said. Attending every Saturday School possible, after-school tutoring, sports practices and events, pushing herself and her classmates, Shania is an extraordinary young woman and we are proud to call her March’s Student of the Month,” they said.


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