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Letter to the Editor: Gianforte: Montana is not for sale


An open letter to Greg Gianforte: Mr. Gianforte, FYI Montana is not for sale.

I just finished watching the debate on MTN tonight. You continue to mouth the same phony, dishonest lines that Donald Trump used to get elected that are turning out to be lies. You’ve been running nonstop television ads since the beginning of February.

You are trying to pass yourself off as just a regular kind of guy, but we in Montana are not going to be fooled by a New Jersey billionaire who thinks he can buy a congressional seat. It didn’t work for governor and it won’t work for the House of Representives.

You can sue the state to deny access to public lands, build your antiscience creationist museum, start an academy that denies services to children with special needs, ship jobs overseas, but, Mr. Gianforte, you cannot buy Montana.

Rob Quist is a Montana-born champion of working Montanans, and someone who knows what it’s like to struggle, like so many fellow Montanans. He has Montana in his DNA and he will represent all Montanans, not just the 1 percent. So, Mr. Gianforte, your ads are misleading, full of lies, half truths and fear factors. We Montanans will not be fooled by smarmy, smear tactics and fake folksy tales. Montana is not for sale.

Valerie McMurtry



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