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As you continue to learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, you will find that God is faithful. The enemy wants to confuse you, steal from you, and kill you. God wants you to operate from a position of victory. This issue of the roles of men and women in the church is not that difficult. The trouble seems to be in churches adopting society’s values rather than Biblical values.
I have had conversations about difficult topics wherein the presence of the Holy Spirit encouraged me to continue to speak the truth in love. Sometimes the response from people is positive while others want nothing to do with God’s ways. You will need to be one who is as bold as a lion and yet as gentle as a lamb. Speak the truth and continue to do the next right thing. Allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you and watch how He continues to encourage you in your faith.
People who attend church can be brash. They may demand your attention and time. They may interrupt others and think more about themselves than anyone else. These same people may be the ones who push the role of males and females in the church. Be kind to others but be firm. Not everyone is going to like you. Remember that the issue of the roles of men and women in the church is an issue for the eldership. The eldership needs to be in agreement with the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to the congregation through their words and actions.
One issue that Karrie and I have had to deal with is the role of the pastor’s wife. Many churches call the pastor’s wife a pastor. While the pastor’s wife performs many of the duties of a pastor, I can find no place in the Bible where she is called an elder or a pastor. Karrie does a great job of pastoring others, but she is not a pastor or an elder. The Biblical role of an elder is focused on the governmental aspects of the local church.
Karrie is also a valuable asset at weddings. I have observed her graciously answer questions from women after I have preached a Biblical message on submission. Karrie is no wilting lily. She is a strong woman who loves the Lord. She understands her role and supports me in my role. Karrie also appreciates the weight on my shoulders as a husband, father, and pastor. She is a great helpmate who mentors and encourages younger women to support their husbands
I had heard the charges against the Ark Church were that the church was tough on women. If I were a woman, I would want to attend the Ark Church, or a church with similar Biblical values, where women are respected and appreciated.
Pastor Dan encouraged me in his letters to address issues. Allow the Holy Spirit to use you to address issues so that your church an be more free and whole in Christ Jesus.
Keving Barsotti
Ark Church
This article is part of “Practical Pastoring: Mentoring Growth Letters from a Senior Pastor to a New Pastor, Book Four.” The author responds to his pastor’s letters to him from 20 years ago when he began his pastoral journey.
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