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Salvation Army sets annual talent show

The public is invited to attend the fifth annual Talent of the Hi-Line talent show Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Havre High School auditorium where they will be able to take in various musical performances.

The event started as an opportunity for people to learn what the Salvation Army is doing, Salvation Army representative Judy Goodin said.

Advance tickets at $10 per person or $20 per family are available at The Key in Holiday Village Mall, Havre Hardware and Home, Norman’s Ranch and Sportswear, Bob’s Greenhouse and the Salvation Army thrift store.

Tickets will be available at the door at $12 per person and $25 per family.

Acts will include students and other local residents including some familiar performers.

Goodin said four young ladies, accompanied by Havre Middle School choir teacher Rhonda Nimmick, will each sing a song. One of those students will be a home-schooled girl who will sing a song she had written.

“It’s quite interesting how she wrote it,” Goodin said. “She’ll tell her story.”

Three high school students are also scheduled to play as a saxophone trio, another young person will play a flute solo and local musician Mary Stevens will play the harp.

Goodin said this year’s event is especially important given that the Salvation Army’s piggy bank is very low. The main source of the money drain, Goodin said, was the cold winter. The frigid temperatures curbed the amount of people able to stay out with kettles this past winter, a crucial source of revenue.

“What is raised at kettle time is what keeps the program going throughout the year,” she said.

In addition to letting people know what the Havre Salvation Army is up to, the Talent of the Hi-Line event is an opportunity to show off the local talent.

“We just want to give a good performance,” Goodin said. “It shows there’s a lot of talent in the area.”


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