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In following our current congression-al contest closely one must question — is this Montana office for sale to the highest bidder?
Rob Quist’s opponent and backers are once again spending millions trying to buy another Montana leadership post with clever corporate TV ads filled with falsity attempting to smear Mr. Quist. Gianforte boasts he cannot be bought because of his personal wealth.
For more than 40 years I have observed the way Rob Quist treats his family, friends and neighbors — always with courage, honesty, dignity and respect. Despite family health setbacks Mr. Quist, in the tradition of a true Montanan (and Harry S. Truman) refused to declare bankruptcy and continued to pay his creditors. How many of us would choose the same course? It only deepens my faith in his courage and integrity. Actions speak louder than words.
“One man with courage makes a majority” (Andrew Jackson).
Rob Quist will fight for Montana. Together let’s send this good man to Washington.
Richard F. Syverson
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