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Celebrating History: A plethora of local interest

By Emily Mayer

There were no large articles of note for local news in the Havre Plaindealer’s March 3, 1917 edition. There were several notations in the “Of Local Interest” column, and here are a few of them:

Hon. W. B. Rhoades, judge of the Eighteenth district, embracing Hill and Blaine counties, is in Helena arranging for the removal of his household goods to Havre. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades and children are expected to reach here on Monday.

A bazaar and silver tea was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Chestnut yesterday afternoon, under auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church. Articles placed in the bazaar found a ready sale, and the receipts were large.

A. D. Williams, local agent for the International Harvester company made a business trip to towns along the high line this week. Mr. Williams has disposed of about twenty light tractors among Hill county farmers this spring, and expects to double that number within the next few weeks.

Street Commissioner Herron has been busy this week opening up sewers and digging ditches along the crub in order that the water from melting snow and ice can find an outlet. As a result of his labors many of the crossings have taken on an aspect of dry ground instead of lakes, as formerly. There still remains much work of this nature to be done, particularly in the south end.

In the Society column, we find, complete with misspelling:

Luncheon for Visitors.

A luncheon in honor of Mrs. Fred Batch of Malta was given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. T. L. Ashton.

Pink and white was the color scheme used in the decorations and the large dining table was beautiful in its arrangement of cut flowers and pink tule.

The guests for the occasion were the members of the Lafalot club.

Social Club Dance.

The Havre Social club gave a dancing party on Wednesday evening at Lyceum hall.

This dance was scheduled for next week but was moved forward on account of Passion week.

Sewing Club Entertains.

On Thursday afternoon Mrs. N. C. Jestrab entertained a few of her friends at bridge. The home was tastily decorated. Dainty refreshments were served during the afternoon. The hostess was ably assisted by Mesdames T. J. Troy and Frank Warner.


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