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Ask legislators to vote against Richmond's petroleum bill


Senate Bill 93, sponsored by Sen. Tom Richmond, is an attempt by the Montana Petroleum Industry to water down a rule recently — Dec. 14, 2016 — enacted by the Montana Board of Oil and Gas Conservation. SB 93 cuts the distance of notification of a proposed drill site from 1320 feet to 990 feet and does not include notification of schools, hospitals, and businesses within this distance. This bill decreases the number of individuals given specific notification and fails to protect vulnerable populations.

The 2015 legislature was presented with several bills aimed at giving landowners some basic protections from the consequences of oil and gas development. At one of the bill’s hearings it was voiced by committee members that MBOGC was a better entity to address these kinds of issues. Shortly after the end of the legislative session, because of this and public comment, the Board undertook the rule-making process. A great deal of work including public comment went into the final rule which evolved from this process. The result was “New Rule 1 pertaining to notification of application for permit to drill,” giving owners of occupied structures — residents, hospitals, schools, and businesses — within 1320 feet — greatest health impact area — of a proposed drill site two weeks after notification to file a request for a hearing on the permit to drill. A hearing would give neighbors the opportunity to voice any concerns they have on a permit application and request revisions to the permit.

Sen. Richmond contends that MBOGC does not have the authority to make rules concerning notification. This has been refuted by the board’s lawyer, Rob Stutz, on several occasions. If SB 93 passes it will supercede the Board’s rule and greatly weaken the notification process. Perhaps the real reason for the introduction of this bill was to send a message to the board that they should not try to do anything other than issue permits for drilling. They are not to make rules for the reasonable protection of those who live in areas of oil and gas development. Please call your senator and ask for a no vote on SB 93. We deserve better.

Susann Beug

Red Lodge


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