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Hill County's Jones honored by Montana Rural Water Systems

Staff and wire report

The president of the Hill County Water District was honored in a recent ceremony by a state association.

Dave Jones, president of the Hill County district, received the 2017 Distinguished Service Award from Montana Rural Water Systems.

Jones is president of the district that provides water to Kremlin, Gildford, Hingham, Rudyard, Inverness and Joplin and 14 branch lines north and south of those towns. The district serves about 675 connections.

The presentation highlighted Jones' span of leadership over 40 years, including being a board member of the newly formed water district in 1974 and progressing to leadership roles for a rural water association board and a regional water system.

"Participating for so many years along with other dedicated individuals to overcome obstacles and challenges over the last 40 years, this individual has not only helped in the effort of forward progress for the Hill County Water District, but served 16 years working on the Rocky Boy's/North Central Regional Water System project and 36 years leading Montana Rural Water System's fulfillment of its' mission and goals to support rural water systems for Montana communities," the presentation said.

The presentation listed assisting water districts and communities to insure adequate supplies of water, meeting Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act regulations, supporting training availability for the utility's board members and staff; and assisting in securing adequate financing for new, expanded or improved systems as some of those goals Jones' helped achieve.


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