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Hello God, it's me, Mara


You know, Lord, it must be spring … gophers are out, the March winds blow, streams break up as the sun shines brighter, stays up longer, gets up earlier — it must be spring!

It must be spring … fresh fallen snow, cattle rest after feeding, trees look fresher, scudding clouds tease, a chill wind nips  —  it MUST be spring!

It must be spring … nesting instinct; birds swoop, dive, scatter, regroup, sing, build nests; migrations feed and rest, then skein again as they journey north — it must BE spring!

It must be spring … babies: foal, calves, lambs chicks, cheepers (cheepers are young partridge, grouse, or quail), kids, and kits (no baby foxes where we lived!); pussy willows, prairie crocus peeping out and a young man’s fancy turns … Ah! It must be SPRING!!

It must be Spring!  It’s time to sort through some boxes. We found a poem from long ago: It goes like this:


Arrowing northward — Geese honk in month of March, Plant life with rime-frost — show fresh coat of starch.

Gophers awaken, peek out, checking spring! Birds winging homeward, new melodies sing!

Blizzards may catch you, or sun melts you down, March, a conundrum; mischievous clown.

New babies appear, man, mammal and plant. New nephew born, made some of us ‘Aunts.’

Death also showed up, stole some dear old friends, Thanks be to Jesus, that’s not how life ends.

Time for Spring Tonics, molasses at eight!? And Rhubarb as sauce, we’re soon felling great!

Small calves, green grass, and lambs with long tails, a crocus appears, huge clouds are white sails.

Spring time, oh Spring Time, we welcome you back! Westerly breezes are always on track.

March is a Lion, or is it a Lamb? First, last or middle, prepare for a WHAM!

March a conundrum with Equinox ides. A sky full of kites, catch currents for rides.

Love, Mara


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