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Adult bowhunter course set in Hays

From Fish, Wildlife and Parks

A Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Adult Bowhunter Education course has been set for the Hays area Saturday, March 11.

Starting in 2017, the purchase of a Montana bow and arrow license will be required prior to applying for any archery-only permit.  The first drawing deadline is March 15 each year.  To purchase a bow and arrow license, an individual must meet one of the following requirements:

• show completion of a bowhunter education course

• show proof of purchase of a previous year’s bow and arrow license from Montana or another state

• sign an affidavit that they have previously purchased a bow and arrow license in Montana or another state.

For the adult online field course, adults must pass the online bowhunter education course and receive a Field Day Qualifier Certificate. This Field Day Qualifier Certificate and a picture ID are necessary to obtain entrance into the field course.

The class will be held at the Kills at Night Center in Hays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  To register and learn more about the bowhunter education classes offered, people can go to the FWP website at and look under the “Education” tab.  If there are any questions, people can call class instructor Tom Jones at 406-353-4801.


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