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Local woman raising money after pregnancy complication

A local woman who is in a Great Falls hospital is trying to raise $5,000 through a gofundme campaign to help with expenses after having a baby two months premature because of a tumor in her uterus.

Candace Dess had Lacey Marie Jan. 2 by way of an emergency cesarian section, and Lacey has been in Benefis’ neonatal intensive care unit since.

Dess said doctors told her she went into labor prematurely because of the tumor in her uterus. As of Monday, Lacey weighs 4.5 pounds and is about ready to go home, Dess said.

“She’s eating on her own. They took the feeding tube out,” she said.

Dess said she has insurance, but expenses have begun mounting regardless. In addition to travel and hotel costs, Dess said, she found out the Lifeline flight from Havre’s airport to Great Falls, as well as the ambulance ride from the Great Falls airport to Benefis, is something she will have to pay for. She said she doesn’t know yet what those costs are, but she anticipates a hefty bill.

She has six other children, Dess said, who are depending on her, who need her to get better, who need her back home.

Her doctor visits are just beginning, as her tumor will have to be dealt with very soon, she added. She said she doesn’t know whether she will receive radiation or have it surgically removed.  

Eagles Club Manager Tom Farnham, dubbed Dess a helper and a “go-getter,” adding she is in good spirits despite her health problems.

She is a member of Eagle Riders and vice president of the Eagles women’s auxiliary.

Dess, Farnham said, also makes a great chili — she just won a chili cook off.

Dess said doctors say she can expect to go home as early as this week. Anyone who would like to help Dess can go to the gofundme website, put in her name and contribute.


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