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Letters to the Editor: Jan. 24, 2017

Thanks for Chamber annual meeting, and for a fabulous year

It was close to being a “Chamber of Commerce” day weather wise, for the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, after such a long cold and snowy period leading up to the day.

As I noted, “to be in business is courageous and we thank you for your investment in Havre.” Thank you also, for sharing your time and expertise and giving throughout the year to support and sponsor the many Chamber projects.

Thank you, Debbie Callahan and Andy Carlson, for your years of dedicated service to the Chamber. It has been rewarding to work with each of you. Welcome aboard Craig Mueller and Matt Wertheimer. 2017 is looking to be another busy year for Havre and the Chamber. I look forward to working with you.

Thank you, Bob Quinn, for a great presentation on your life journey in agriculture and the lessons you shared with the Chamber, as you made that journey.

To Trudy and crew at the Duck Inn, thank you for a wonderful lunch. Working with you is always a pleasure!

To the media, print and radio, thank you for your coverage of the 108th celebration of the Chamber. Your continued support of the Chamber and all community events is very much appreciated.

To Shari Robinson, a deep heartfelt thank you for holding the Chamber together in 2016. You did an awesome job flying solo much of the year.

As the Chamber Board looks to 2017, the Chamber team will remained focused on serving, promoting and protecting its members.

Debbie Vandeberg

Executive director, Havre Area Chamber of Commerce


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