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Celebrating History: A time of growth

by Emily Mayer

Havre’s growth continued in 1917, with a new garage added to its inventory list of businesses. This article was on the front page of The Havre Plaindealer’s Jan. 20, 1917 issue:


Will Be Located on Prominent First Street Corner

H. E. Loranger returned yesterday from Helena, where he has spent the past week. In addition to mingling with his many friends in the capital city, the ex-sheriff closed a deal whereby he, with Tom Gray of Chinook, is to represent a number of automobile manufacturers in this territory. Among the cars the new firm will handle are the Hudson, Saxon, Liberty, and the Chalmers. In the language of Mr. Loranger, “we have the four best cars made, and will sell them in the four best counties of the state-Toole, Hill, Blaine, and Phillips.

The new firm will have one of the most modern garages in the state. As soon as weather permits they will being construction, on one of the most prominent First street corners, of a thoroughly modern garage. The garage will be 60x140 feet, with a full basement. In the basement will be the work room for the machinists and the building will be equipped with an elevator for handling cars from one floor to another.

Both Mr. Loranger and Mr. Gray, who has heretofore been in business at Chinook, are experienced automobile men, and will give unexcelled service to the public. In addition, they will sell cars that are of proven merit, and this fact alone assures a successful business for the new firm.

The Oddfellows installed their officers, and the announcement was also printed on the Plaindealer’s front page:


Monday evening of this week Havre Lodge No. 56 I. O. O. F. held their annual installation of officers, followed by one of their always popular social sessions.

An important feature of the occasion was the fact that the meeting fell upon the anniversary of the founding of Oddfellowship in America, and the anniversary was fittingly celebrated.

The officers installed for the ensuing year are: Fred J. Batch, N. G.; Roy J. Hampton, V. G.; Talbert Erickson, Rec. Sec.; H. M. Goms, Financial Sec.; John M. Kay, Treas.; Dan Welch, R. S. N. G.; M. A. Bauer, L. S. N. G.; A. R. Stevenson, warden; G. G. Miller, Conductor; Peter Nelson, R. S. S.; E. J. Skaar, L. S. S.; L. E. Rhoades, O. G.; Lou Rudie, I. G.; R. HJ. Remstead, Chaplain; W. E. Mille, R. S. V. G.; Thos. Fitch, L. S. V. S.

Past Noble Grand Earl Bronson was presented with a beautiful collar as a token of the lodge for his untiring work during his term of office.

At the close of the business session a sumptuous luncheon was served to members of the lodge and invited guests at the Hotel Havre, also dancing was enjoyed by those so disposed.

No. 56 has made very substantial growth during the past year.

Other groups were organizing dances as well, and these two were found in the Society column of the Plaindealer:

Clerks’ Benefit Dance.

One of the most successful social dances of the season was the one given at the Lyceum Wednesday evening by the Union Clerks of Havre. About 250 tickets were disposed of. The dance was given for the benefit of one of the members of the union, who has been sick for some time.

O. E. S. Dance.

The committee in charge has completed all arrangements for a ball to be given in Masonic temple on the regular meeting night in February of the Eastern Star. This dance, which constitutes the first of a series to be given by the lodge during the winter and spring, will be a masquerade.


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