News you can use
by Emily Mayer
There were a few articles regarding local businesses on the front page of The Havre Plaindealer’s Jan. 13, 1917 issue.
Directors Chosen Tuesday for the Ensuing Year
At its annual meeting in the secretary’s office, last Tuesday, the Havre Chamber of Commerce chose the following board of directors for the ensuing year:
H. Archibald, Wm. Kendig, F. A. Buttrey, C. F. Morris, N. E. Gourley, J. A. Mayer, A. L. Ritt, R. A. McBrayne Dr. D. S. MacKenzie.
The first five named were re-elected. These directors on next Tuesday will elect officers for the present year.
Secretary T. E. McCroskey submitted his annual report in which he summarized the work accomplished by the chamber during the past year.
For the future it was recommended that the city band be supported by public taxation instead of being a chamber of commerce pensioner. If this suggestion is adopted there will be available $2000 for county road work and Secretary McCroskey is confident with this he can under a plan of his own secure $15,000 worth of road work.
During the year the chamber will also take up the question of a more adequate domestic water supply for the city.
The treasurer’s report showed total collectiosn for the year $5,654.05 with expenditures as follows:
Office Expenses: $63.23
City Band: 1,902.25
Farmers short course: 123.71
Salaries: 2,125.00
Automobile and upkeep: 238.15
Salvation Army: 75.00
Investigation and promotion: 253.50
Business Men’s Picnic: 52.40
Transportation: 80.19
Cash on hand: 35.09
Total: $5,654.05.
The Hill County Fair and Racing Association met and organized its board this week 100 years ago:
At the annual meeting of the Hill County Fair & Racing association, held in the city hall Monday afternoon, the following were chosen directors of the association for the year 1917: H. W. Stringfellow, T. W. McKenzie, James Holland, C. C. Brundage, C. F. Morris, E. C. Carruth, Lou Lucke, J. A. Wright and A. L. Ritt. The directors immediately following their election called a meeting and elected the following executive officers of the association: T. W. McKenzie, president; Lou Lucke, vice president; T. E. McCriskey, secretary and treasurer; E. C. Carruth, assistant secretary. The directors and officers are the same as for last year.
A new business was making the new Masonic Temple its home:
A new law firm, composed of Hon. F. N. Utter, a former judge of this district, and R. E. O’Keefe of Chinook, opened offices in the Masonic temple n Havre this week. The local office will be in charge of Mr. Utter, who is by no means a stranger here. Mr. O’Keefe will look out for the firm’s business at the Chinook office.
In the Plaindealer’s Society column, two weddings were announced, those of Miss Phyllis Smith and Earl J. Bronson, and Miss Carrie Rebstock and Joseph Cicon. Ladies groups from three different churches met as did the Woman’s Club, and a party for the aforementioned Miss Smith was hosted by Miss Bertha Ling. Two events were held for Mrs. T. T. Cronin as follows:
For Mrs. Cronin.
Mrs. T. T. Cronin, who is soon to leave for her new home in Evanston, Wyo., was duly surprised last Monday evening when sixteen of her intimate friends called and took possession of the Cronin home for a few hours.
Card tables were arranged and bridge was played until a late hour, when refreshments were served.
Each guest presented Mrs. Cronin with a beautiful handkerchief as a small memento.
Those in attendance were: Mrs. Cronin, A. J. Broadwater, Steinle, Skylstead, Raymond Hulfish, Holland, Sr., Benson, Bourne, Holland, Jr., Geo. Hulfish, Jno Sanderson, Lange, Williams, Misses Holland, Carrier, Hess and de Lorimer.
Card Event.
Another evening affair was given in honor of Mrs. T. T. Cronin oon Friday with Mrs. O. G. Skylstead as hostess.
Following the games of auction bridge, which was played at four tables, a dainty menu course was served.
The guest list included: Mrs. Cronin, Benson, Lange, A. J. Broadwater, Devlin, Holland Sr., Raymond Hulfish, Bourne, Steinle, Jno Sanderson, Geo. Hulfish, D. S. MacKenzie, Almas, Kendig, Holland, Jr., Williams.
The Cronin residence still stands at 937 Fifth Ave., and the Skylstead residence is now Holland & Bonine Funeral Home.
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