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Senior Center News, Dec. 9, 2016

North Central Senior Center Dec. 12 -16

Monday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tuesday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; bingo at 1:15

Wednesday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; TOPS at 8 a.m.; cards at 1 p.m.; mall or Walmart Shopping

Thursday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. , pinochle at 1 p.m.; Great Falls Trip at 8 a.m.

Friday — Medical transportation is available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., but people must make a request at least 24 hours in advance.

Pinochle — First place, Giles Majerus; second place, Diane Andrews; third place, Jack Norman

Pool — First place winners are Mort Goldstein and Marvin Kleinjan

Menu by Earlene DeWinter

Monday — Cabbage rolls, au gratin potato, carrots, sliced peaches

Tuesday — Cranberries, turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potato cake

Wednesday — Chili, baked potato buffet

Thursday — Baked fish, potato supreme, beets, gingerbread

Friday — Soup, salad bar, chef’s choice, dessert, milk

It’s the United Way of Hill County 2017 Campaign once again, and we have been selected as one of the agencies to be recpients of their community wide program. The funding we receive is used for the home delivered meal program and our volunteer program. You have been strong supporters of our Senior Program and the United Way. We would appreciate your continued support for the 2017 YEAR. For further information on donations contact the Senior Center or a United Way representative of your choice. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. If we all give just a little, I know we will be successful. You can pick up a copy of the pledge form at the Senior Center.

When you support the United Way, you also support the Senior Center.

Stop fraud during Medicare open enrollment

• Medicare will never call or visit and will only send information through the U.S. Postal Service.

• Guard your Medicare number like a credit card.

• Don’t give out your Medicare number except to your doctor or other providers.

• If you receive an unsolicited call from anyone requesting personal information, hang up immediately.

• Know your health care options. Get help from your family, the Medicare website or your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).

Contact the Montana Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) if you need assistance with Medicare billing issues or to report Medicare fraud.

Montana SMP is a statewide program that empowers seniors to prevent health care fraud.


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