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I remember parts of my ordination ceremony 20 years ago. Pastor Dan, brothers in the Lord, local pastors, elders of the Ark Church, and members of the congregation attended the ceremony.
The impact of the laying on of hands and separating one for service in the kingdom is significant. The ordination confirms that you and others have heard the Lord and obeyed Him. Not everyone will be happy that you are being set in as a pastor. Carnal Christians and those with their own agenda may boycott, protest, or attempt to draw attention to themselves during this event. Take the high ground. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He does not make mistakes. Jesus never fails.
In my first book in this series I said that I had a desire to serve God from the age of six. Jesus was 30 when He began His public ministry. I was 30 when ordained. Looking back, I remember how young and inexperienced I was. By God’s grace I have survived and thrived in the ministry.
Even though you have elders to serve with you in a plurality of leadership, you are the pastor. People identify the church with you and you with the church. Your authority to serve as a pastor comes from God. The Holy Spirit teaches you how to pastor as you proclaim Good News. God flows through you to feed, lead, and protect His people.
Pastor Dan shared with me that whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to do with the Ark Church He would first do in me. Attending the daily school of the Spirit is how I learned and continue to learn pastoring. Being gracious when you don’t feel like being gracious is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Your speaking correction into another’s life is not always welcomed, especially if the person remains convinced that he is right or if the person is unteachable. You and I need to remain teachable and continue to receive our marching orders form the Lord.
If you desire your fellowship to grow and mature in Christ Jesus, you will have to be the first one to mature. The process takes time. You and your family will not be perfect. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit daily and allow the glory to be given to God as others watch you progress in your walk with God.
As you help others enter into their inheritance in Christ, show them that it is possible. Do this through your words and actions.
When you do not know exactly what to do next, do the next right thing. When I was attempting to teach the congregation about increasing the kingdom, I set up folding chairs in every available space in the church sanctuary. When I was teaching about prosperity, I purchased new vehicles to drive. When I teach about giving, I abandon myself to giving. When my messages focused on serving others, my wife and I retired early from our secular positions to better serve others. Let your life reflect the messages you preach. Even better, let your life demonstrate the messages you preach.
As Pastor Dan, his wife, and family left Havre for their assignment in Minneapolis, Minnesota, no one could have foreseen what was to take place. Being ordained to minister does not mean that you now have it made. In fact, it probably means that you are now subject to all of the events that happen to others. Take comfort in the fact that God will never leave you nor forsake you.
Kevin Barsotti
Ark Church
This article is part of "Practical Pastoring: Mentoring Growth Letters from a Senior Pastor to a New Pastor, Book Five." The author responds to his pastor’s letters to him from 20 years ago when he began his pastoral journey.
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