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Conservation District sets legislative district

The Hill County Conservation District will hold its annual legislative dinner Wednesday at the Montana State University-Northern Student Union Building Ballroom.

The event will kick off at 5:30 p.m. with a no-host social that will preface the prime rib dinner that starts at 6:30.

District administrator Emily Mayer said that a speaker with the district then will give a PowerPoint presentation about the district’s accomplishments this year.

Those accomplishments include taking part in the revamped Milk River Watershed alliance, and a project the district is working on with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Fresno Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited on a road to Kiehn’s Bay at the Fresno Reservoir, Mayer said.

Candidates for federal, statewide, legislative and local office will also be given a chance to speak before the audience.

Mayer said that, so far, the only candidates who have confirmed they will be attending are Casey Knudsen, Republican candidate for House District 33, and all three candidates for the Hill County Commission: Democrat James Bedwell, Republican Diane McLean and Independent Ted Solomon.

A staff member for U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., will be there too, Mayer said. Zinke, a freshman congressman is fending off a challenge from Democratic Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau.

Entertainment will include a trivia quiz with prizes and performances by cowboy poets Phyllis Rothwell and Larry Miller from Canada and Fred Liese of Turner, Mayer said.

The cost of dinner is $25 per person.

For additional information or to reserve a spot, people should call Mayer at 255-6792, ext. 101.


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