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Bachmeier would represent us best


I’m writing this letter in support of Jacob Bachmeier.  Jacob was born and raised in Havre and understands the area and that small businesses are the heart of our community.  He has expressed a practical plan for growing real wages for all.  First, he wants lower taxes on small businesses.  Then he wants to fight to provide a living wage for employees with the money that small business owners would save.

Being born and raised in Montana, he has expressed his strong support for public lands, and fish and hunting access. Unfortunately, his opponent wants the government to sell off our public lands. Hess voted against a resolution (HJ 19, Feb. 23, 2015) that opposed “any effort to claim, take over, litigate for, or sell off federal lands within the State of Montana.”

Hess voted to increase taxes for 75,000 Montanans (SB 171, April 24, 2015) and then voted to cut taxes for the wealthiest 10 percent (HB 166, Feb. 27, 2015). HB 166 would have cost the state $160 million. She then voted against Havre’s small businesses. 

She voted against an amendment that would give additional funding to enhance Economic Development programs that would provide tax credits, grants, low-interest financing and technical assistance to grow Montana business. (HB 2, Amendment A006, March 18, 2015). With donations from out of state donors and corporate Political Action Committees sponsored by the likes of Exxon-Mobile, NorthWestern Energy, and Weyerhaeuser, just to name a few, it’s easy to see where her loyalties lie.

We need someone from Montana and this area to represent us. Join me in voting for Jacob Bachmeier on Nov. 8.

Allen Woodwick



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