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If Clinton is working for the poor, why is she backed by financial giants?


I feel compelled to write this letter to point out a few facts and perhaps raise a question or two. I have done a fair amount of business with Wells Fargo in recent years, the Wells Fargo Bank in Big Sandy, the Wells Fargo Investors Offices in Great Falls. I have found the Wells Fargo personnel in this area honorable and pleasurable with which to work.

But I received a pamphlet from Wells Fargo recently pertaining to the upcoming election, which I interpreted as supporting the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Clinton claims to be working for the poor. Why then are such financial giants as Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs supporting Hillary Clinton? Why are billionaires such as Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Canadian billionaire George Soros supporting the Clinton campaign? Those people care nothing about the American poor or the middle class, even. Their only concern is their own selfish, self-serving interests and expanding their fortunes.

Wells Fargo created an amount of interest recently through actions bordering on corrupt. Perhaps corruptors, like birds of a feather, like to click together.

Arnold Hokanson



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