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Prayers might be bearing fruit in Trump's life

What has defined America in the past no longer exists. Roughly 80 percent of Americans describe themselves as Christian but much current belief about what is moral bears little resemblance to biblical directives and traditional Christian teaching. How relevant is this in the midst of a contentious election year and in deciding who will lead our states and our nation?

President George Washington in 1796 said, “And let us with caution indulge in supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.... Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” I have held the belief over the years that a major downturn in national morality occurred in our country when the U.S. Supreme Court declared prayer and Bible reading in our public schools unconstitutional in 1962 and 1963 respectively. How different this was when the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 1844 decision stated, “Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?”

Unfortunately, America has become so steeped in political correctness, secularism and progressive liberalism along with being biblically illiterate that the term morality has lost its meaning. Originally “moral” was defined as that which is “good or virtuous according to the law of God.” Presently society is living out Judges 21:25. ”Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

In my last Whittlings on March 2, I ended my comments by stating, “Let us hope and pray that Donald Trump will find his way into a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.” Much has happened these past seven months or so. I am somewhat encouraged by the character of some of people he has chosen to advise him. Has Mr. Trump been influenced by men and women of faith and integrity that are close to him in his campaign and by our Lord Himself because of the prayers of God’s people? Maybe so. Mr. Trump is certainly not a perfect man as none of us are. I am reminded of a lapel pin that was very popular with Christian young people during the Basic Youth Conflicts movement of the 1980s. The pin simply had a collection of letters (PBPGIFWMY) “Please be patient God isn’t finished with me yet.” Is this the case with Donald Trump?

Many sources indicate this might be the case with Mr. Trump. He chose Mike Pence, governor of Indiana and a devoted Christian man, as his running mate. Recently Senator Ted Cruz and Mr. Trump have decided to end their personal conflict with Cruz endorsing Trump and Trump saying, “I am greatly honored by the endorsement of Sen. Cruz.” Dr. Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both very dedicated and committed Christians, serve in some type of advisory capacity to Mr. Trump. We are also hearing much about Mr. Trump’s personal faith. There are many Christian leaders who are serving on a faith advisory committee for him. Paula White, a pastor and evangelist at the New Destiny Christian Center near Orlando, Florida has known Mr. Trump for at least 15 years and has had many personal conversations with him explaining a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Only the Lord knows the condition of Mr. Trump’s heart. Perhaps the prayers and hopes of Christian people throughout the USA are bearing fruit in this man’s life.


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