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Hello God; It's Me Mara: Talk

You know, Lord, an unknown writer penned the following words: “There are four things that never return: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity.

The spoken word is like a feather pillow opened in a wind storm with feathers flying where they will. Who could ever gather them all back again? If they are unkind words, much damage is caused. Nothing will remedy the wrong of hurtful, hateful words spoken — only You, Lord, can make something beautiful out of something so awful.

The sped arrow, (past participle of speed): Its swiftness is uncompromising, who can stop it? Its flight is quick toward its target.

There is no “going home” for a past life is just that, past. The life of yesterday is over and done with. Forget regrets, there is no going in reverse and contrition never got anyone nowhere. Life is forward gear only so make today count.

And lastly, how many times have we had that inkling, Lord, that urge to do something (a random act of kindness?) for someone, make a call, do a kind deed, yet we’ve all let the occasion slip on by. Occasionally we may later discover that we have missed a chance to be of some help, missed doing something that would really have benefitted that someone whom You brought to mind.  That is the neglected opportunity, Lord, when we have ignored Your urging, when we squandered that special moment in time which can never be redeemed, NOW is the time!

Your Word tells us in Proverbs 12:14: “From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him.”

Lord, help us to be kind to one another, tender hearted and forgiving, just as You have forgiven us.

Love, Mara


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