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Agenda: Hill County Park Board

Hill County Park Board’s monthly meeting will be in the Timmons Room, Hill County Courthouse, Monday at 5:30 p.m.

1. Approval of minutes:

2. Approval of agenda:

3. Guests and public comments on agenda items only

4. Cabin business: #10 Shambo Loop

5. Old business:

Lodge Repairs discussion: Feasibility Study update

FEMA close-out update

Stream Health Discussion update

Committee structure – Finance Committee

Re-assessing park Fees

Park apparel at Farmstock/Festival Days/Friends Gala

6. New business:

Ty Hedalen, MAT

Strike-Force-NRCS on Oct 5.

7. Rules and Regulation Committee

8. Cabin Owner’s Association report

9. Friends of Beaver Creek

10. Superintendent report

11. Claims:

12. Public comment on anything pertaining to Hill County Parks

Next Park Board meeting is Monday, Nov. 7, at the Timmons Room, Hill County Courthouse. Deadline for November agenda items is oon of Oct. 28.


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