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Pastor's Corner: Call to me and I will answer

Jeremiah 33:2-3 This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it-the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Change is a difficult concept for many of us to embrace. God changes not. The rest of us seem to be confronted with change fairly often in our lives.

With the new school year approaching many kids will begin this fall with a new teacher in a new classroom. They will be learning new concepts and possibly making new friends and plans for the future.

Others may be facing a career change or a move to new living arrangements. Some may be preparing to exit this life while others may be looking forward to stepping back in their roles and turning their responsibilities over to others. What does the future hold?

God has good plans for you and me. He has prepared works in advance for us to accomplish. If you knew your days were limited how would you live? All of us come with an expiration date. We just don’t know when our number is up. We should live with short accounts. If you have been withholding forgiveness I would suggest that you pay that account in full soon. If you have been meaning to help someone out but have delayed that help then perhaps this is the time to make plans to complete the gift or give the help that you have been contemplating.

The Bible instructs us to set our affairs in order. What are you doing to set your house in order? My grandfather on my father’s side died when my dad was 13. My grandfather went all over town and paid his bills right before he passed away. Not everyone has advanced warning that today will be his last day. Some live as if there will never be a judgment. Hezekiah was instructed to set his house in order and then he was granted a longer life span. Life would be different if we knew the exact things to do each day and when we were going to die. But then life would not take much faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We should be those who believe that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

We often seek God when we are hurting, sick, confused or faced with a difficult decision. Perhaps this week we could call to Him and have God reveal things we do not know. The Holy Spirit leads us and feeds us. He speaks to us if we are willing hear. Perhaps you have been wrestling with a major decision for a long time. If today you hear His voice harden not your heart. Believe that God will show you how to proceed and give you the faith to face your situation and embrace change if that is what God is asking of you.

God says that His grace is sufficient for us. Our problems are not too big for God. I want to encourage you to ask God to reveal to you the steps He wants you to take as He changes us into the image of His Son Jesus.

May God bless you big.


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