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Guest column: Holocaust Museum tells incredible story

(Jessica Otto, a Havre High School band member, was impressed by her visit to the Holocaust Museum.)

The most memorable part about Sunday was indefinitely the Holocaust Museum.

At the beginning before you start the tour they give you a card asking you to find which photo would stick with you the longest. The one that's stuck from the moment I read the description overtop was in the section about what happened to those with disabilities.

The photo had a little girl. She had curly hair, couldn't have been more than 10 years old, and looked to be held up by the back of her neck. Seemingly nameless she was thought to have been killed because all children born with disabilities in Germany had to be reported to the government.

I really recommend that you take the chance to go if you can to go to the Holocaust Museum. The best part of today has been the sightseeing in general.

We went to Mount Vernon in Virginia for the morning.

The worst part is sitting in the rain before this concert starts.

(Jessica Otto is a member of the Havre High School Marching Band.)


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