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Rocky Boy High School celebrates graduation

The 2016 Rocky Boy High School graduation ceremony celebrated the graduation of 18 seniors Thursday night in the school gymnasium.

The ceremony began with a Native American welcome chant as people filed into the gymnasium. The graduates came out one by one, with the boys in crimson gowns and the girls in white.

Robert Murie gave the invocation, during which he sang a thank you song in Cree.

Salutatorian Bowen Standing Rock and Valedictorian Juanaya Valerie Gamble gave speeches they prepared. Standing Rock and Gamble said time had passed by quickly and they were looking forward to new beginnings. Standing Rock said his speech went through three drafts, took four hours and he drank a lot of Coke to get it done.

Linda Engebretson was the keynote speaker and she had something specific to say about every graduate.

Among the things she said was, she hoped to see Trey'al Ashten Belgrade as a governor one day. She said Gamble had the gift of learning, and she will be missed.

Jurnee Lee LaForge was light-heartedly advised to change her ways, punctually speaking, when she gets to college.

Engebretson called Kristen Faye LaMere a champion for the underdog and Andrea Ann Meyers a strong lady and a defender for those who need a voice. Although Colen C. Shane has "had differences" with every staffmember, Engebretson said, Shane had a strong will, strong mind and common sense. Shayann Nicole Taylor was dubbed a strong lady with some moxy. Engebretson told her to be wise regarding the directions she chooses to fly as she tests her wings.

Engebretson then addressed all the graduates.

She told them to be nice to each other because life is hard, not to be ashamed of their mistakes, but to learn from them and to not allow pride to stop them from asking for help. She then read Christopher Logue's poem, "Come To The Edge."

Several scholarships were passed out during the ceremony. Some of them included:

Dorrina Patacsil announced that 11 students received GEAR UP Pathways scholarships.

A Sandra Murie Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Tierra Lynn Houle Pullin.

A Roger St. Pierre Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Isaiah Joseph Turn Toes.

Gamble, Standing Rock and Lainey Janelle Weasel Boy each received Rocky Boy scholarships.

The graduates were given red and yellow roses. They walked out to where their parents or loved ones were sitting, embraced them and gave them the flowers. Some tears were shed.

The graduates received their certificates and diplomas, after which they had their picture taken.

A slide show presentation was showed. Each segment showed pictures of the graduate from infanthood up.

The other graduates are Wesley Eric Benally, Royce Quinn Edward Bird, Joe Ray Demontiney, Logan Wayde Rock, Coltin Stump, Cameron Reed Taylor and Portifirio Zarco.


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