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Trees for second-graders

Students to receive trees to plant at home

An expected 250 second-graders from area elementary schools will take part in a massive Arbor Day celebration at Havre’s Pepin Park Monday, April 25.

The students will be given milk jugs with small tree trees in them, said Sara Sedlock, a longtime volunteer for TURF, the Task Force for Urban Reforestation.

This is the 25th annual Arbor Day celebration, she said.

Students from Lincoln-McKinley Primary School, St. Jude Thaddeus School and Rocky Boy and Box Elder elementary schools will take part.

The students take the jugs home and replant the trees, she said. There are a lot of trees around Hill County that came from the Arbor Day celebrations, she said.

“It’s fun to watch them grow over the years,” she said.

Mayor Tim Solomon will be there as well as Havre City Council members The entire community is urged to come and take part in the celebration.

The city will officially be designated a Tree City USA during the ceremony, she said. Havre is one of 3,400 communities that have met the standards for tree management.

“Early understanding of what trees do for our community is important, particularly as we enjoy the fruits — shade, beauty, value — of our forefathers’ labors today and prepare for tomorrow,” Chris Inman, TURF chair, saidin a press release.

Later, TURF volunteers will visit other elementary schools — North Star, Cottonwood and Davey schools — and make the same presentations.


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