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Letter to the Editor: Kaul is right, enforce cellphone ordinance


Regarding the March 22 story in the Havre Daily News quoting former councilman Bob Kaul on the subject of using hands-on cellphones while operating a motor vehicle in Havre: Let me say, I couldn’t agree more.

I also am a former Havre city councilman (1996-2000), and I am concerned that when the City Council passes ordinances, sometimes it appears as if they go unheeded by city departments who are tasked to enforce them.

In the case of drivers using using cellphones while driving, I am aware that there is an ordinance on the books prohibiting that practice unless the cell device is hands-free.

Mr. Kaul is not the only resident of Havre who had witnessed this activity.,

It is also dangerous. Some studies regard it as dangerous as driving while chemically impaired. I see drivers in this town nearly every day driving while talking or texting on a cellphone and, yes, they do seem to be oblivious to the main task at hand, which is “driving safely.” This dangerous practice in Havre needs to stop.

Also, an amazing thing I have noticed is that this is not just a practice of young school-age drivers. I see people who are clearly old enough to know better doing the same thing.

Just one other thing on this subject before I get off my soapbox. I have not noticed anything in the court report section of the Havre Daily News regarding fines for these violations. Take a look at Great Falls Tribune and you will frequently see drivers listed by name who receive a $115 fine for that violation in Great Falls.

Again, this is a dangerous practice that can, and needs to be, stopped in the city of Havre.

Cliff Jacobsen



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