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Several cases of mono confirmed in Chinook

Chinook School Superintendent Darin Hannum and Blaine County Nurse Jana McPherson have confirmed multiple cases of mononucleosis in Chinook High School this week.

The exact number of cases is “anywhere between two to six,” Hannum said, and “less than 10,” according to McPherson.

Hannum said this is normal for this time of year. McPherson said much the same.

The symptoms of mono are fatigue, soar throat and swollen lymph nodes. McPherson said the most blatant of the symptoms is the tiredness.

“Occasionally, there is a fever,” McPherson added.

Chinook schools have become extra vigilant in disinfecting the premises. They've “ramped up cleaning,” McPherson said.

Students have been advised to not share water bottles and to be careful when sneezing in public, as that is one way mono is spread.

Parents are also advised to keep homes clean and disinfected.


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