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BLM proposes allowing bison to graze on 13K acres in Phillips County

HELENA (AP) — A federal agency is proposing to grant the American Prairie Reserve a permit for 385 bison to graze year-round on 13,000 acres of public land in Phillips County.

Bureau of Land Management officials said Monday the Flat Creek Allotment has historically been used for cattle grazing.

The American Prairie Reserve last year bought land adjacent to the allotment and applied to switch its grazing permit from cattle to bison and from seasonal to year-round.

The proposed decision calls for the removal of interior fences inside the allotment and monitoring to ensure greater sage grouse habitat is not damaged.

BLM spokesman Jonathan Moor said the proposed decision will become final if there are no protests.

The American Prairie Reserve is attempting to piece together 3.5 million-acre wildlife reserve of public and private lands.


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