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Out our way, the folks from the Salvation Army are getting out the little red kettles.
Unlike most folks, Christmas goes on all year round for Sally Ann and her crew. But Christmas season is when folks are the most likely to remember their less fortunate neighbors and make an extra effort. So out come the red kettles and the volunteers to ring the bells and begin asking the community to be generous ... for the funds collected are not just for the Christmas season, but help fund support, resources and aid all year long, I'm told its going to be long and rough winter - so we really need to get folks out ringing bells and reminding everybody of those who need all the help they can get.
Naturally, I volunteer every year to ring bells - as do so many others. And every year for the past few years I have tried to talk Goliath into helping. I explain to him how important this is - for Christmas is about giving. I remind him of the Christmas story and how God first gave His Son to us. I remind him of the holy family that came to Bethlehem, poor, tired and worn out. Mary, heavy with child and near her time, found that there was no place for her, Joseph, or the child. Someone offered them the use of a stable, and this frightened teenager gave birth to her first child in a barn, far from family, friends, and her own mom.
Oh, we try to clean it up - make the Nativity scene nice and neat and even comfortable - but it was awful. And if that weren't enough, soon after the birth some dirty shepherds - the cowboys of that region - came stumbling in claiming some fantastic story about angels and lights and voices from heaven.
We celebrate this event, at least in part, by giving each other gifts, tokens of our love for one another. And we also celebrate it by these little red kettles with which we can give to strangers - to unknown children and families - and remind them that they actually do matter and are loved. To a hungry child a hot meal is more important than Malibu Barbie or a skateboard. And what parent doesn't shed a tear of joy and relief when he or she sees their child warm, with enough to eat, and a safe place to sleep. I suspect Mary and Joseph felt that, even in a stable with the babe sleeping in the warm straw of a feeding trough - for though it was little enough, it was more than they had before.
So, as I explained to Goliath, we get to be like the three kings in bearing gifts to the Christ Child, for Jesus said, "As you do it to the least of these so you do it unto me."
I said to him, "Look, Doc - people want to give and help their neighbors! When we go ring the bell for just two hours at a time, we give them that chance! Surely it's not much to give a few hours to help both those who want to give and those who need the help?"
But Goliath is still resisting because he's convinced he will have to wear those stupid reindeer antlers I put on him the first time we went out ringing. I have promised I won't do that again, but he just doesn't believe me.
"And," he snorted as he munched through some of his winter oats, "even if you don't try to put those things on my head - everyone will remember that time I wore them! So no, Brother John, I won't go out ringing bells with you this year! But I will do this - you can take the money you would have spent on one bag of oats and put that in the kettle instead!"
If you knew how Goliath loves those oats, you would know what an incredible offer that is. I suppose its not all that much money, but I have to admit it is pretty darn generous! So I will not be asking him to help ring this year- but I am asking you. Call the Salvation Army and take one two-hour slot at the Holiday Village Mall, Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods, Kmart or Walmart. I promise, nobody will make you wear reindeer antlers! I learned my lesson!
And if you really cannot take a turn at the kettle - remember Goliath's example and be generous when you go by one of them. "Old Doc" may not ring this year, but he is going to give from the heart. So I will ring solo this year - but I won't be alone. I know what Goliath put in the kettle and that it will make a difference to a lot of people. I am proud of Old Doc!
God and I alone know what I will put in the kettle, but I aim to make Him proud as well. And though no one else will ever know what I put in, and I will ever know whom I helped or how badly he or she needed it, I will be content. And like Goliath, I will feel better this winter knowing somehow in some small way I helped someone else. I can't think of a better way to celebrate and give thanks for the many blessings I have been given that to make use of the red kettle and in giving to someone in need, giving my gift to the Christ child.
(John Bruington, Goliath and Scout can be reached at [email protected]. This article, cartoons, sermons and Bruin Town Tales are available at The book "Out Our Way, Theology Under Saddle" is available at
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